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How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow and Monetize Your Email List

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The author discusses the creation of lead magnet campaigns (Facebook) that provide value (highlighting pain points/solving the problem) while building email lists to run direct-response remarketing campaigns to market products/services to these targeted audience/potential subscribers to increase sales. The author suggests three approaches:

  1. Create a lead magnet (opt-in bribe which is industry/business dependent) that appeals to your target audience and builds your email list. Create a landing page (on the website) featuring an opt-in form with serious value (specific site-wide discount coupons, educational such as guides, checklists, templates, quizzes, video series, ebooks, how-tos) allowing potential audience to fill in their email addresses, then deliver the content (coupon/educational material) via that email. An example is “quizzes” which are underutilized and allow the target audience to make micro-commitments along the way requiring the filling-in of their email addresses at the end to see the results. Lead magnets build credibility, authority, brand awareness and recognition.
  2. Choose a conversion objective/event for Facebook lead magnet campaign (after installing a Facebook conversion tracking system) to target cold audiences (saved detailed targeting audiences [demographics, detailed targeting features] and look-alike audiences [built from created source audiences) often more effective accurate targeting]. Finally, create the Facebook ad with video ads (as a preview of the lead magnet) being the most effective. Open the video ad with a curiosity question and follow up with benefits from the lead magnet and close with a call-to-action.
  3. Remarket to new email subscribers to take them from prospects to paying customers while increasing leads/sales. Better results occur by running Facebook ads alongside the email marketing (matching your Email list on Facebook). Set up customer list/website custom audience of those who triggered the installed conversion event which Facebook automatically updates daily. Remarketing objective campaigns start by driving people from Facebook to your website and create product- or service-focused ads.